Google buys Yahoo!

Well, not really. But I could have just used the same title as the New York Times’ article “This Boring Headline Is Written for Google“. Which one catches…

Well, not really. But I could have just used the same title as the New York Times’ article “This Boring Headline Is Written for Google“. Which one catches your attention more?

And, which one has more relevance to this post? The second one, right? Meaning Google would probably rate this post higher if it’s title was more relevant.

The article on the New York Times website is all about how online news editors have to cater for Google and the SE Team’s algorithms when considering a headline for news articles nowadays. Which causes a bit of a dilemma – catch a reader’s attention, or get a reader via a relevant Search Engine Ranking…

JOURNALISTS over the years have assumed they were writing their headlines and articles for two audiences — fickle readers and nitpicking editors. Today, there is a third important arbiter of their work: the software programs that scour the Web, analyzing and ranking online news articles on behalf of Internet search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN…

It seems online news editors really have their job cut out for them. And it seems that SEO is playing a major part in more and more areas of the online world. Oh well, life would be boring if it was easy.

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