Self Development Expert Interview

I believe self improvement and self development are key points in being successful. Being able to develope your skills and then use them effectively is very important.

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I believe self improvement and self development are key points in being successful. Being able to develope your skills and then use them effectively is very important.

Over on “Entrepreneur’s Journey“, Yaro Starak has an interview with Steve Pavlina. In Steve’s own words, here’s a brief intro:

Among other labels that apply, I’m a 34-year-old internet entrepreneur, and I currently run one of the most popular personal development web sites on the Internet, All of the site’s content is free for visitors. I have no products, no customers, no inventory, no employees, and no sales. Yet I make a pretty decent living from the site, in addition to other streams of (mostly passive) income.

It really is an interesting interview, though it’s only part 1. It gives a bit of insight into the website and it’s content, as well as his thoughts on dealing with Apathy, which is one of the questions Yaro posed. Here’s a quote:

Long-term apathy is a result of confusing perception and creation. People who are consistently apathetic think they are passively perceiving reality when in fact they are actually creating it.

Quite an intense thought, and I fully suggest you read the entire interview.