South African Affiliate Marketing Companies

So, I’ve been running a few Affiliate campaigns with South African Affiliate Marketing Companies for a few months now, and here’s what I’ve found:

Traffic Synergy


– A LOT of…

So, I’ve been running a few Affiliate campaigns with South African Affiliate Marketing Companies for a few months now, and here’s what I’ve found:

Traffic Synergy


– A LOT of companies that you can run affiliate offers for. And not just South African companies.
– Statistics are easy enough to see
– You get assigned an Affiliate Manager who should be EXTREMELY friendly and helpful… You can ask them anything, almost any time of the day.
– They offer a South African Ringtone affiliate campaign with Jamster (see the banner above).


I don’t really have any cons at the moment… Do you?

ZA OfferForge


– The companies that are running Affiliate Offers through ZA OfferForge (do I really need to say the “ZA”?) have great payouts
– You get frequent updates via newsletters or general emails
– They seem to use the same system as TrafficSynergy, so the system will be familiar


– I’ve mailed for assistance twice. First time I had a GREAT response. Second time I didn’t get ANY response, but the issue was resolved
– There aren’t THAT many companies offering Affiliate Programs through ZA OfferForge

Do you use or know of another company that you would like to recommend?

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