Statistically Addicted – Performancing Metrics

Ok, here’s a product that I am getting hooked on. And you definitely should, too, especially if you are just starting out. Just a quick overview on Performancing Metrics from…

Ok, here’s a product that I am getting hooked on. And you definitely should, too, especially if you are just starting out. Just a quick overview on Performancing Metrics from their website:

“Performancing Metrics is a free, hosted service that records and stores important usage metrics about your blog. By adding a small piece of Javacript code to your blog you can begin tracking important information such as number of visitors, comments made, Adsense clicks, outgoing links, and much more.”

Go pay them a visit here: “Performancing Metrics

Let me tell you why I think you should sign up for an account (which is FREE, by the way):

1 – The User Interface (UI) – I am a sucker for a good looking UI. I don’t know what it is, but I guess I judge books by their covers. This cover would sell me the 1921 Encyclpedia of Iran, it just looks that good.

2 – Tracking AdSense Clicks – Here is another feature that people starting out should use. Unfortunately, it looks like it only tracks clicks from within Internet Explorer, but, considering over 90% of internet users still use IE, that’s ok. And, it helps you see which pages are working for you, enabling you to work on more pages like them…

3 – The Outbound Links feature – It lets you know how your visitors leave your site. This feature actually helped me find a “hole” in one of my sites that I had placed when the site was new. A lot of my readers were leaving my site on a specific page, and I was able to modify the post because of this.

4 – Ease of Installation – Another simple, “Copy this code into your pages” setup. Setup can be done in about 2 mintues, if you’re a slow typer… But, WordPress users, wait for a post on an even SIMPLER approach.

These reasons alone should be enough for you to go and check things out

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