Here’s a reall fancy plugin that I think is cool. Ok, not fancy, actually pretty simple and behind the scenes, and yet I think it could really help out with WordPress SEO. It’s called “Title Grabber”, and in the author’s own words:
Let’s say you are linking to a page, and don’t know what to add as the title to the link. How are you to decide? You don’t! Let Title Grabber do it. It takes what’s in between the <title> tags on the linked page and adds it to the link.
Why does this add to your WordPress’ SEO? Well, because the more information on a link, the better. Of course, it might help the other site’s SEO as well, but reciprocal help is almost always good. You can get this plugin from here, and, take a look at the link you just clicked to see if it added the “title” tag (I’m using this plugin now as well)… Oh, and while you’re on the site fetching the plugin, take a look at how cool the site actually looks…