
Have you ANY idea what “Mesothelioma” means? As the post “Mesothelioma: the one word every AdSense publisher knows?” by Eric Giguere mentions, it is a dreadful disease shown…

Have you ANY idea what “Mesothelioma” means? As the post “Mesothelioma: the one word every AdSense publisher knows?” by Eric Giguere mentions, it is a dreadful disease shown to be caused by Asbestos dust. There is an article on the Globe and Mail site giving details of a case regarding someone dying from the disease.

WHY would I write about Mesothelioma on a site dedicated to Making Money (and easy money at that)??? Well, in my opinion, there are 2 people trying to make money from this word:


In my opinion, these are the most evil of lawyers because they APPEAR to be helping people, but they actually don’t. If they represent you in a class action suit against a company, they need as many people as possible to join the class action. Reason: They get a percentage of the claim. 30% may not seem like a lot, but when you get a $10,000 payout from a company, you’re only getting $7,000, and the lawyer gets $3,000. Now, if there are 4,500 people making claims as I believe there are for Mesothelioma, you STILL only get $7,000, but the lawyer is getting $13,500,000… How nice of him.


Maybe not anymore, but it was thought that back in the day you could make $10 a click if you had Ads related to Mesothelioma. I HIGHLY doubt that’s the case now. I’m sure there are thousands of sites out there totally dedicated to the topic of Mesothelioma, and we all now what over-supply and low demand do to prices…

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