Creating AdSense Ads

Now that you have set up your channels and decided what colors you want to use for your Google AdSense, it’s time to actually create the Ads. We’re going to…

Now that you have set up your channels and decided what colors you want to use for your Google AdSense, it’s time to actually create the Ads. We’re going to base the next few steps on the ads on the bottom right of this page: The 120×600 Sky Scraper Ad Unit

1 – Once again, log into Google AdSense, and click “AdSense Setup” at the top of the page

2 – Select the “AdSense for Content” link

3 – Select the “Ad Unit” option, and in the Drop Down box, select “Text ads only”


4 – Under “Format”, select “120 x 600 Skyscraper”


5 – Under “Colors”, enter the colors that you decided on in the previous post: “Choosing colors for AdSense Ads“. Check the example on the left to see if the colors look right

6 – Under “More options“, next to “Channel“, select the Channel you created (if suitable) in this post: “Create Good AdSense Channels


7 – For now you can leave the rest of the options as default

8 – After clicking “continue”, you will get to the page containing the code you will need to put on your web page to show the ads. Just putting your mouse in the text box will select the code. Copy and paste this somewhere where you will remember where it is. This will make it easier to paste the AdSense code into your page at a later stage.



And that is it. You have the code, and are ready to make money using AdSense. Maybe you’ll even catch up to those Rich Jerks out there 😉

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